Saturday, June 5, 2010

DAD 165

A rainy day and up early too much time to think. I miss Zach so much and just want him home. He and i have always been what a dad and son should be, fishing and hunting partners, sports guys and chefs extraordinaire! He is my bud and my boy. It is hard because through college your children transition away from home. Even if they work they may be close. Zach just left to be in the military and though he loves home and comes back when he can he is still away from us too much. Now being in Afghanistan and in harms way the feelings are just compounded even more. Each day I pray for his safety and for the quick end to this whole mess that it is becoming.
I know that he cares for the afghan people and hates the Taliban and Al Queda for what they are doing to the innocent. But he feels helpless to stop it. (Let them fight or bring them home)

The future us bright and that is what I must concentrate on. He will be out of the army in a little over a year and off to college with a majority of it paid for. He will be home a Christmas when we will go snowmobiling and have a lot of fun! So..... each day is a day closer to that reality and then we begin the process of putting this reality in the past.

I love you Zach, you are superman and you are my super hero!

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