Friday, May 28, 2010

Dad 173

I talked to Zach today, he said he was sitting on guard duty watching some others playing I think he said volleyball. He said it was nice, and things were good. He was a little down because one of his close buddies Dane Wittig was going home on emergency leave as his Father in law was in bad shape. Life just goes on doesn't it. President Obama heads out on yet another vacation choosing not to honor veterans by visiting Arlington on Memorial day, while he has ordered thousands more troops to the war zone. Life goes on. We as a nation must not forget even if our president does not have our military as his priority, so remember our veterans and those serving - every day. Let us not forget the price being paid for freedom by so many. Life does go on, and it stands still, but for me it is one day closer one more day .... For me those serving are our number one priority and will be until each and every one of them return home safely. My prayers are with all those serving especially my son Zach.

You are superman, I love you bud!

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