Friday, April 16, 2010

Dad 214

I was going through some stuff to throw out in a small old note book I used for going out on business calls I saw something that pretty much made me cry! On the 1st page of the little binder when you opened it up it read, “Have a good day #1 Dad love you Zach”. It was written in his little chicken scratch writing, and funny he put the h on Zach as most often he does not. He is not far from being that little boy and I can’t believe that now he is so far away and in the military! He and I have always left each other little notes of encouragement, most often the notes pertained to sports and school but really anything was open as I would pass on whatever wisdom I have accumulated and gained some from my Dad. Today I needed that note, probably 6 to 8 years after he wrote I still needed that note. Call me an old sap but I truly love my family and I love being with them. I enjoy the hustle and bustle, I enjoy the raucous activity. I have thoroughly enjoyed all of our extended family kids from all over the world they all are in my heart. The hustle allows me to enjoy moments of relaxation as I have a hard time just sitting to relax. Normally, I enjoy the moments of solitude that I have now with everyone gone. But maybe not so much this year! Lisa has headed to Costa Rica and I do feel alone with my kids spread out over the globe and my son in harm’s way. Somehow I feel old! Very Strange!

You are superman, I love you Zach!

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