Sunday, October 31, 2010

Day 18

Mom - Day 18

I can't believe that we missed writing in the blog for so many days (this time Galen is sick). Zach is still deployed, he hasn't made it yet to Germany but I know it won't be long and that heavy weight that Galen and I have been carrying for so long has been lifted.
So I was wondering, what now. Now it will be time for the transition. Everyone is giving me advice about Zach and helping him with his transition back to a 'normal' life. The Army is going to be there for him to help him with his transition until I see him. I am worried about how he will cope with everything he has seen and done. I think I kind of understand why our military re-deploy, they go back to a family that can relate to them.
Right now it is snowing, the yellow ribbons are still on the tree and we are still waiting to hear Zach's voice.

I love you Zach

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